Da ich hin und wieder ein paar Graphics erstelle, werde ich hier mal die ein oder anderen zu Darren Shan vorstellen. Die meisten sind aus FanArts entstanden. Leider kann ich kein japanisch, deswegen ist es mit dem Credits setzen etwas schlecht ^^'' aber die meisten Bilder sind von hier.
und zum Schluss noch eine Halloween-Grußkarte ^^ -------- I nodded nervously and squeezed his hand. We turned and faced away from the graves. Then, side by side, the vampire and his assistent, we began walking ... into the night. ~ Darren Shan, official ally of the night
-------- I nodded nervously and squeezed his hand. We turned and faced away from the graves. Then, side by side, the vampire and his assistent, we began walking ... into the night. ~ Darren Shan, official ally of the night
NEUE AVATARE! --> könnt ihr auch gern im Forum benutzen!
-------- I nodded nervously and squeezed his hand. We turned and faced away from the graves. Then, side by side, the vampire and his assistent, we began walking ... into the night. ~ Darren Shan, official ally of the night
Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt ^^ Setz mich bald noch mal an andere Charaltere. Irgenwelche Wünsche?
In Antwort auf:sag mal, wenn man fragen darf, weißt du ob es JASC PAINT SHOP PRO 9 irgendwo kostenlos LEGAL (!!!) runterzuladen gibt?
Ich glaub, dass gibt's nicht kostenlos... jedenfalls hab ich keins gefunden. Sorry
-------- I nodded nervously and squeezed his hand. We turned and faced away from the graves. Then, side by side, the vampire and his assistent, we began walking ... into the night. ~ Darren Shan, official ally of the night
Oh, da hab ich mich wohl vertippt Meinte eigentlich Charaktere =^^= Das was du meinst sind die Titel und die ändern sich automatisch wenn ihr eine bestimmte Anzahl an Postings habt.
-------- I nodded nervously and squeezed his hand. We turned and faced away from the graves. Then, side by side, the vampire and his assistent, we began walking ... into the night. ~ Darren Shan, official ally of the night
-------- I nodded nervously and squeezed his hand. We turned and faced away from the graves. Then, side by side, the vampire and his assistent, we began walking ... into the night. ~ Darren Shan, official ally of the night